


According to The Declaration of ’66 Tokyo International Packaging Conference, in view of the rapid development in packaging technology and packaging industry and recognizing the necessity for international co-operation of packaging organizations of Asian countries, the representatives of packaging organizations in China, India, Japan, Korea and the Philippines resolved upon the formation of the Asian Packaging Federation in 1967.



The Asian Packaging Federation, hereinafter referred to as APF, is a non-profit making international organization to administer the packaging needs of all those countries enclosed by Japan on the East, Turkey and the Arab Peninsula on the west, Commonwealth of Independent States [CIS] on the North and Australia and New Zealand on the South.*


APF’s headquarters shall be in Tokyo, Japan, but its offices may be at any time, transferred to any other place within a member country subject to the decision of the General Assembly.

Article 3 – OBJECTIVES

The main objectives of APF are:

International exchange of experience and knowledge in packaging technology.
International cooperation in education and training of packaging specialists.
International standardization of packaging and marking.
International co-operation for the progress of packaging industries in Asia.
Maintenance of close contact with other International Packaging Organizations and Federations.
Commitments to the promotion of environmental-friendly packaging and management of packaging wastes.



(*Article 4 Amended by 58th BOA at Shanghai, P.R.CHINA 2009)
Membership shall be in four classes- Executive, Ordinary, Honorary and Affiliate.

Executive Member status (voting) shall be granted to only one nationally packaging organization which is recognized or recommended by economic administration department in each country within the geographical areas defined in Article 1 which has agreed to abide by the APF Statutes and has been admitted to APF in accordance with its Statutes. However, should the country population exceed one billion and three hundred million, the consideration of two executive members with voting right is allowed provided that the second member represents the national body in packaging related business.
Ordinary Member status (non-voting) may be granted to corporate champion, selective enterprises, relevant organizations, or local packaging trade organizations from packaging industry of Asian countries.
Affiliate Member status (non-voting) may be granted to all other international, professional or Industrial organization representing a non-Asian country, largely concerned with, interested in or working on packaging and allied problems, subject to their agreement to abide by APF Statutes and their admittance will be in accordance with its Statutes
Honorary Member status (non-voting) may be granted to an individual who has given distinguished service to the APF and bas been commended by the Board and accepted by the General Assembly.
New Executive Members will be admitted by the Board of Administration subject to ratification at the next General Assembly by the voting members and shall require, as a minimum two-thirds of the votes of members present.

New Ordinary Member will be admitted by APF Secretariat under the condition that there is no objection from Executive member from the same country.

New Affiliate Member will be admitted by APF Secretariat.

Suspension or expulsion from membership may be recommended by the Board of Administration but shall be subject to ratification by the General Assembly with a minimum of two-thirds of the voting members present voting in favor thereof.

Withdrawal from membership of APE must be notified to the Secretary General at least six months before the following General Assembly. Membership fees paid will not be refunded.


Article 5

APF shall consist of:
A General Assembly
A Board of Administration
Office-Bearers of the APF will be:
The President
First Vice-President
Second Vice-President
The Treasurer
The Secretary General
The Immediate Past President.


Article 6 – BODIES

The highest authority of APF shall be the General Assembly, which during its session, shall hold the power of APF except as herein otherwise provided.
The General Assembly shall be constituted by a meeting of delegates nominated by the Executive Members. Ordinary Members, Honorary and delegates nominated by the Affiliate Members and Associate Members may also attend the General Assembly Meetings.
The General Assembly shall meet at least once a year at a time and place to be decided by the Board.
A Special General Assembly shall meet at the request of a minimum of half of the Executive Members.
Notice of meetings shall be sent by the Secretary General to all Members by mail at least 60 days in advance of the date set for the meeting together with a provisional agenda.

Article 7 – VOTING

At the General Assembly each Executive Member shall be entitled to one vote only, provided no outstanding membership subscription fee is due. Any resolution adopted at the General Assembly shall require two-thirds of the number of votes cast.

Article 8 – QUORUM

Not less than half of the Executive Members (or their authorized representative) shall constitute quorum.

Article 9 – PROXIES

Proxies must be submitted on the duly prescribed form and delivered to the President at the commencement of the meeting. No member may hold proxy for more than one other member.


The General Assembly shall be responsible for:

Deciding on the policy of APF
Electing officers and Board of Administration from among the members
Adopting the reports of the officers and Board of Administration.
Approving the budgets and Membership fees. For the year that the General Assembly is not held, the Board of Administration will be empowered to approve the same.
Ratifying the admission, suspension or expulsion of Members.
Amending the Constitution


Article 11 – GENERAL

The operation of APF shall be administered in accordance with policy laid down in these Statutes or decided upon at the General Assembly by a Board consisting of all the Office Bearers of APF as defined in Article 5(2) and not less than three other Executive Members.
The Board shall have authority to fulfill all the function of APF (except those which are specially prescribed for the General Assembly) or as may be decided by the General Assembly.
One half of the members of the Board, personally present, shall constitute a quorum.
Decisions shall be made by a majority of Voting Members or their duly authorized representatives present.
The President (or Vice-President when acting as President) shall not be entitled to vote at the meetings but shall have a casting vote when members of the Board are equally divided.
The Board shall meet at least once a year, when there is no meeting of the Board, decisions by the Board may be taken by mail, electronic or otherwise subject to the relevant items having been circulated at least 14 days in advance.
Proxies must be submitted on the duly prescribed form and delivered to the Chairman at the Commencement of the meeting. No member may hold proxy for more than one other member.


Article 12

The President of APF is elected by the General Assembly and will hold office till the next General Assembly (generally for a period of one year). The President may be reelected once. Upon completion of the second term he/she may not be re-elected until a period of two years has elapsed. *However, under special circumstances, which will be determined by the Board and ratified by the General Assembly, President may continue for the additional period as deemed fit under the special circumstances. (*Last Sentence Amended by 51st BOA at Tokyo Japan 2004)
On completion of his/her term as President, he/she shall continue to be a member of the Board and carry the title of “Immediate Past President” until the next election, but would have no voting right.
The President shall preside over the General Assembly and over the Board. When in the chair, he/she shall not act as the delegate of a voting member.
The President shall supervise the activities of the General secretariat.
The President shall be empowered to call emergency meetings of the Board.

Article 13

The First, the Second and the third Vice President shall be elected by the General Assembly and they shall hold office until the next General Assembly (generally for period of one year). The First Vice-President shall deputize for the President whenever the latter is unable to act. In the event that the First Vice-President is unable to act, the Second Vice-President shall deputize for the President. Their responsibilities and authority will be commensurate with the function of the President when deputizing for the President.

Article 14

In the event of the representative of an Executive Member. who is elected to the position of President or a Vice-President ceasing to be the authorized representative of the Executive Member concerned, the Executive Member shall be deemed to have vacated that particular office. In such an event affecting the President, the First Vice-President shall act as the President.

Should an appointed office bearer absent from two consecutive Board of Administration meeting, the board has the right to remove him/her from the post.

Should an Executive Member have not paid membership subscription fee for a period of more than two years, the board has the right to remove the appointed office bearer representing that member from the post.

(*Last two Sentences Amended by 56th BOA & 32nd GA at Singapore 2007)


Article 15

A Treasurer shall be appointed by the General Assembly and he/she shall be a citizen and an approved representative of an Executive Member country. The period of his office shall be decided by the General Assembly.
The Treasurer shall act as trustee for the APF funds and shall advise the Board on financial matters and arrange for the audit of the annual financial statements.
The Treasurer shall circulate the following documents 14 days before every Meeting of the Board of Administration / General Assembly:
An audited statement of the Accounts for the previous year duly certified by a publicly accredited audit firm.
A similar statement for the period starting from 1st January to two months prior to the date of the meetings of the Board of Administration / General Assembly if these meetings are held later than 31 May,
The audited statement of accounts circulated shall be accompanied by bank statements of the Dollar and the local currency accounts duly certified by the banks.
The Treasurer shall have no voting right at the Board Meeting or at the General Assembly.


Article 16

The APF headquarters shall be administered by a Secretary- General.
The Secretary- General shall be appointed or dismissed by the Board subject to the ratification of the General Assembly.
The Secretary- General may be an honorary officer or may be paid an honorarium as may be decided by the Board and ratified by the General Assembly.
The Secretary-General shall be responsible for keeping accurate Minutes of each General Assembly and each Board Meeting and such other duties as may be defined by the Board of Administration from time to time. He/she shall distribute the Minutes among all members within 40 days after the respective meeting with the approval of the President (or his/her deputy in the chair for the meeting).
The Secretary- General shall be responsible to draw up an annual operating budget to be presented to the Board of Administration for approval not later than December in the year preceding the budget year.
The Secretary-General shall be an approved representative of an Executive Member. In the event when the elected Secretary-General ceases to be an approved representative of the Executive Member, that office shall be deemed to have been vacated. In such an event that the Secretary-General has to vacate his/her office under this provision, the Executive Member concerned may be allowed to nominate an approved representative to act as Secretary-General until the next General Assembly.
The Secretary-General shall have no voting right at the Board Meeting or at the General Assembly.
President may appoint Vice Secretary-General who shall be responsible for communication with Secretariat Office and support President on APF activities.
The Vice Secretary-General shall serve as a volunteer; APF will not afford any cost.
(*No 8. and No 9. added by 58th BOA at Shanghai, P.R.CHINA 2009)


Article 17

The Board may appoint such committees as it deems necessary for the effective functioning of AFF.


Article 18

The funds of APF shall be derived normally from the dues and contributions of Members and from AFF activities.
The acceptance of funds, endowments, grants, gifts etc. from other sources shall be at the discretion of the Board.
All funds received shall be credited to the account of the appointed bank and shall not be withdraw, except on a cheque signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the Secretary General or President or one of the Vice Presidents, subject to limits laid down by the Board of Administration.
All funds should be deposited in a bank where it draws an interest comparable with existing interest rates. Approval by the Executive Committee is required prior to shifting the APF funds from one bank to another.

Article 19

The membership fees and the manner in which they shall be contributed shall be fixed by the General Assembly.

Article 20

The APF Financial Year shall begin each year on January 1st and end on the last day of December.

Article 21

The Board shall appoint one or more publicly accredited auditors. The audited accounts shall be delivered by the Treasurer to the Board not later than March 31st following the end of the financial year. In the event the Board does not meet before March 31st following the end of the financial year, the audited accounts shall be circulated by mail, electronic or otherwise, to Individual members of the Board by the above mentioned deadline and subsequently presented to the Board when it next meets.


Article 22

The official language of APF shall be English, which shall be used in all proceedings of the APF, unless otherwise decided by the General Assembly.


Article 23

Amendment of the Statutes may be considered by the General Assembly upon a proposal by the Board or by half of the Voting Members.

Approval of such amendment shall be effective upon receiving a two thirds majority assent of the Voting Members.


Article 24

For the purpose of disbanding the APF, a meeting of members shall be called for the sole purpose of discussing and for approving such disbandment.

A quorum for such purpose shall consist of half the voting members plus one. In the event of disbandment of the APF, the meeting shall nominate one or more persons who shall be responsible for liquidating the APF.

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